AOSW Connections
Editorial Team
Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AOSW Communications Director
Brittany Hahn, LCSW
Managing Editor
Patricia Sullivan
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2025 Themes
February: Workplace & Culture
May: Therapeutic Techniques
August: Palliative Care
November: Caregivers
AYA SIG: Meet Your New SIG Co-Chairs!
We are the new SIG Co-Chairs for the AYA SIG and are very excited to work with you in this capacity! Here is a little bit of information about us.
Lauren: I have been an Oncology Social Worker for over three years and an Oncology Clinical Therapist at Life With Cancer for about four months. Prior to this position, I worked at the George Washington Cancer Center in Washington, DC. I was born and raised in Michigan, and before my husband and I moved to the Metro DC area about four years ago, I worked at Gilda’s Club Metro Detroit where I developed my passion for oncology and became particularly interested in addressing the unique needs of AYA patients. I now live in Northern Virginia and love the hustle and bustle of Metro DC.
Julia: I started in the field of Oncology Social Work 10 years ago in New York City and now live in Los Angeles. Soon I will be embarking on a new role at UCLA as they develop a comprehensive AYA program. I am very excited to assist in developing this program to support the unique needs of AYA patients. Most recently I was at Cedars-Sinai as a Clinical Social Worker in the outpatient cancer center, providing psychotherapy. My dog, Stella, and I together love taking advantage of the many adventures the city has to offer.
We are so excited to be representing the AYA SIG from both coasts and look forward to getting to know you all and supporting this wonderful group of social workers!
Enough about us. Like you, we are always looking for ways to support our AYA patients’ unique challenges. We know they will face specific challenges during treatment, one of them being fertility preservation. The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) says fertility is one of the top challenges AYA patients will face. This unique challenge can leave many patients seeking support or looking for psycho-education from their social worker. Do you often wonder how to start these conversations? NCCN suggests starting by exploring with your patient their basic thoughts and understanding around family planning.
For example:
- Do you know how treatment might affect your ability to have children in the future?
- Have you considered having or wanting children?
- How do you feel about alternative family building methods such as adoption?
These conversations can bring up a wide range of emotions and thoughts for our patients. Facilitating a safe space for them to express their thoughts, fears and distress and ability to ask questions is critical. We oncology social workers are perfectly suited to have these conversations with our patients and educate our providers and staff about the importance of onco-fertility discussions.
We recently learned of a great new organization dedicated to helping female patients tackle the cost associated with fertility preservation—The Chick Mission. It currently serves patients in New York, New Jersey and Illinois, and is looking to expand.
We strongly recommend the ECHO training course to enhance your knowledge on onco-fertility. If you have questions about the course, please feel free to reach out to us as both of us have taken it
Consider joining the AYA SIG to learn more about providing age-specific support, resources and care to AYAs at your institution. Participation in this SIG may broaden your knowledge of the unique psychosocial issues of adolescents and young adults with cancer. For more information, visit the AYA SIG page on the AOSW website and feel free to contact us.
About the Authors
Julia Leavitt, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AYA Program CoordinatorUCLA Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA
Julia Leavitt, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AYA Program CoordinatorUCLA Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA
AYA SIG: Meet Your New SIG Co-Chairs!
Lauren Broschak, LCSW, OSW-C
Life With Cancer - Inova Schar Cancer InstituteFairfax, VA
Lauren Broschak, LCSW, OSW-C, is an oncology-certified Licensed Clinical Social Worker, specializing in young adults, sexuality, and cancer. She received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Michigan, as well as certific...
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Lauren Broschak, LCSW, OSW-C
Life With Cancer - Inova Schar Cancer InstituteFairfax, VA
Lauren Broschak, LCSW, OSW-C, is an oncology-certified Licensed Clinical Social Worker, specializing in young adults, sexuality, and cancer. She received her master’s degree in social work from the University of Michigan, as well as certificates in sex therapy and sexuality education from the University of Michigan’s Sexual Health Certificate Program. Lauren works as the Survivorship Program Manager at Inova Life with Cancer in Northern Virginia where she leads an interdisciplinary team which developed and launched a Survivorship Clinic and survivorship programming at Inova Schar Cancer Institute. In addition to her survivorship programmatic work, Lauren offers individual counseling, facilitates support groups, and instructs educational classes for those touched by cancer. She is a co-author of the chapter Intimacy and Sexuality Needs of Children and Adolescents at the End of Life in the book Intimacy and Sexuality During Illness and Loss, published by Hospice Foundation of America in 2020. Lauren serves on the Board of Directors for After Cancer, and is a Co-Chair for the Association of Oncology Social Work’s Adolescent and Young Adult Special Interest Group.
AYA SIG: Meet Your New SIG Co-Chairs!Supporting Financial Independence in the AYA Population: Considerations for Providers