AOSW Connections
Editorial Team
Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AOSW Communications Director
Brittany Hahn, LCSW
Managing Editor
Patricia Sullivan
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To submit a story or information for inclusion in a future issue of AOSW Newsletter, contact Amy Colver or Katherine Easton on the list above.
2025 Themes
February: Workplace & Culture
May: Therapeutic Techniques
August: Palliative Care
November: Caregivers
Practice Wisdom and Research-Based Knowledge: Never the Twain Shall Meet?
For years there has been a debate between practitioners and researchers about the value of practice wisdom versus research-based knowledge in informing practice decisions. But this is a false dichotomy. Both types of knowledge are needed for evidence-based practice. Yet, journal editors tend to publish only data-based studies that meet high standards of research, including rigorous research designs, valid and reliable measures, and sophisticated statistical analyses. Often the implications of the study's findings are an afterthought.
Oncology practitioners would no doubt agree that to survive in the rapidly changing world of health care, we need to have evidence to support the outcomes and efficacy of our practice. However, there is a danger that in the competition to prove the value of our work, the patients' and practitioners' voices may be drowned out.
Basing practice decisions on practice wisdom and empirical research is not an either-or decision—they each play a critical role in our knowledge base. This is what is meant by the terms “practice-informed research” and “research-informed practice.” To promote this union of practice and research, the Journal of Psychosocial Oncology (JPO) has added a new section to each issue. It is called the “Art of Psychosocial Oncology” and is intended to reflect the voice of psychosocial oncology practice and oncology social workers. These reflections can include contemporary issues, challenges and creative strategies and aspects of professional life related to cancer care. (Journal of Clinical Oncology publishes a similar type of article for oncologists. Readers may be interested in looking at the section, “Art of Oncology,” in the JCO for examples). Social workers and other psychosocial providers are invited to submit essays, narratives, and poetry to JPO. The submissions will be reviewed by a group of oncology social worker practitioners. Further detailed information on preparing and submitting these articles can be found in the Author Instructions at the Journal's website
In addition to the “Art of Psychosocial Oncology,” the JPO editors have made some revisions to the Author Instructions on preparing and submitting manuscripts. The formatting of citations and references has been changed to AMA style. Instructions on preparing a Brief Report manuscript have also been added. Please refer to these new instructions when preparing your manuscript for submission.
Finally, we are publishing a special issue entitled, “Innovations and Real World Applications in Relationship Research in Cancer.” Dr. Hoda Badr and Dr. Jennifer Barsky Reese will serve as co-editors. A “Call for Abstracts” can be found on the JPO website. The deadline for submitting abstracts is January 31, 2018.