Caregivers, Partners & Co-Survivors
Caregivers, partners, and co-survivors play an essential role in the cancer care journey, providing emotional, practical, and often unrecognized support. As oncology social workers, we encounter the challenges faced by these individuals every day, from burnout and emotional stress to the lack of tailored resources. That’s why the Caregivers, Partners, and Co-Survivors SIG has been created—to provide a dedicated space for AOSW members to learn, share, and advocate for those who are an integral part of cancer care.
Our SIG will offer opportunities to deepen your understanding of the unique needs of caregivers, partners, and co-survivors through educational sessions, resource sharing, and peer-to-peer support. Whether you are looking to enhance your skills in supporting caregivers or seeking to contribute to research and policy advocacy, this SIG will be a valuable resource.
We invite you to join us in creating a community where we can collaborate, share insights, and champion the voices of caregivers, partners, and co-survivors. Together, we can improve the quality of care and support we offer, helping caregivers thrive as they care for others. We welcome you to be a part of this meaningful initiative and hope to see you at our quarterly meetings, engage with listserv communication exchanges, and attend our session at the annual AOSW conference. Join our discussions, share resources, and help make a difference.
Chiara Acquati, PhD, LMSW, FAOSW
Associate Professor
Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development
Director, Dyadic Approaches to Cancer Assessment, Research, and Education (DYADICARE) Lab
Graduate College of Social Work
University of Houston
Office: 713-743-4343
Qi Chen, PhD, MSW
Associate Professor
Silberman School of Social Work
Hunter College
City University of New York
Office: 212-396-7586