AOSW Connections
Editorial Team
Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AOSW Communications Director
Brittany Hahn, LCSW
Managing Editor
Patricia Sullivan
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2025 Themes
February: Workplace & Culture
May: Therapeutic Techniques
August: Palliative Care
November: Caregivers
President’s Message: Around AOSW
As I start this year as AOSW president, I want to acknowledge the vision and hard work of two people who came before me. Past-president Krista Nelson brought leadership that moved the organization through to a new level of professionalism and development of collaborations within many professional oncology communities. And our current past-president, Iris Fineberg, whose clear vision and dedication continued to help us develop as an organization that provides guidance and leadership in the current healthcare arena. It is on the shoulders of these two incredible people, and the current AOSW Board, that I stand and am able to see the many incredible initiatives that are going on in our organization.
Let’s look at what we have going on…
Our newsletter, AOSW Navigator, has been renamed, redesigned and formulated to meet the ever-expanding needs of our members. Needless to say, we are living in a time of media saturation. We have more news and information funneled to us than we have time to review, let alone absorb. AOSW Navigator provides us with a quick platform to learn the most recent news of our membership and colleagues. It has quickly become the lens that does not filter our news, but skillfully magnifies the research, education and networking that we are all doing all the time.
Also in the area of information and communication, is the new OSW NewsBrief, which provides AOSW members with a snapshot of oncology news in the world-wide media. Rapid, accurate communication is all the more important as changes in health care and the science and medicine of oncology continue at a rapid pace. Through OSW NewBrief, members can keep up on the issues that most impact the populations we serve. These two new member publications change how we receive and convey information and strengthens the conduit to one another. I would like to thank Communications Chair Patrice Al-Shatti and her committee for all the work that they have done on these initiatives.
In addition to these developments in the communication realm, there has been a great deal going on in education with the development of our new Online Learning program, including webinars for our members, supporters and other professionals. I would like to thank Education Chair Christina Bach and her committee for all the thoughtful work they have put into planning this terrific new program. AOSW webinars are designed to provide state-of-the-art information on an array of topics, from the development of leadership skills to ethical issues in practice and the importance of self-care while working in oncology and palliative care.
The webinars are presented primarily by our members and highlight the depth and breadth of knowledge we have cultivated in the practice of oncology social work. The webinars are easy to access and are available with the all-important CEUs. Watch for announcements of the latest offerings for you and your colleagues on, SWON, in AOSW Navigator, in email from AOSW Headquarters or via our social media channels.
The last important news is our 31st Annual Conference, being held this year in Seattle, Washington. The Conference Planning Committee, headed up by Conference Chairperson, Chelsea Kroll, has taken meticulous care to design an exciting conference reflecting innovation not only in content, but also in how some of the conference content will be delivered. Since not all of our members are able to attend the conference, some of the presentations will be available via webcasting. In addition, there will be interactive panels designed to enhance dialogue among practitioners who are working on similar areas of interest. You'll find just published information about our Annual Conference webcasting sessions here.
At each Annual Conference, we look forward to connecting with our colleagues and friends, recharging and renewing our connection to our work—and just letting loose a little bit. This year’s conference is being held in a beautiful setting and will combine in-depth oncology social work practice with in-depth oncology social work fun. I look forward to seeing and talking with you all in Seattle and hearing your news in person.
Again, many thanks to the AOSW members I have listed above and to so many others whose work and dedication contribute to making this organization the bedrock of oncology social work practice and leadership.
About the Author
Penny Damaskos, PhD, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
Director, Social WorkMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York
Penny Damaskos, PhD, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
Director, Social WorkMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, New York
President's Message: Around AOSWPresident's Message: Around AOSW
President's Message: Around AOSW
President's Message: Around AOSW
President's Message: Around AOSW
President’s Message: The Climate Change in Healthcare