AOSW Connections
Editorial Team
Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AOSW Communications Director
Brittany Hahn, LCSW
Managing Editor
Patricia Sullivan
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To submit a story or information for inclusion in a future issue of AOSW Newsletter, contact Amy Colver or Katherine Easton on the list above.
2025 Themes
February: Workplace & Culture
May: Therapeutic Techniques
August: Palliative Care
November: Caregivers
Around AOSW: The Future is Now
This is my first Navigator column as president of AOSW and my first order of business is to say “thank you”—a heartfelt “thank you”—to Penny Damaskos for her leadership this past year and her willingness to mentor me as I prepared to take on this role. While I am somewhat nervous and slightly daunted by the expertise and accomplishments of those who have gone before me, I am reassured knowing Penny remains by my side in her role as Past-President. I only hope I can do as good a job in paving the way as I look to serve as a mentor to our President-Elect, Catherine Credeur. I would also like to thank Penny’s Past-President, Iris Fineberg, who has assured us she will remain an involved and dedicated AOSW member, continuing to bring her wealth of knowledge, expertise and experience to this organization.
As I read the December issue of AOSW Navigator, I was filled with both gratitude and awe. Gratitude for our members and AOSW leaders for all of their hard work, perseverance and determination in making AOSW the premier professional organization for psychosocial oncology. Awe at the depth and breadth of our growth over the last few years. Now more than ever we need to have an engaged, robust, active membership to continue our growth and influence in the field of oncology.
It is vital to the health, well-being and future of any organization, and certainly to AOSW, to remember our past as we embrace our future. Longtime AOSW members and past board members have much to bring to the table and carry with them the history of this amazing organization. It is of the utmost importance to keep these “Old Timers” (OK, nobody get insulted, it is said with deep affection, as I am one of you!) connected and engaged.
We must also look to welcome those who are new to our organization and those who have yet to step forward and become actively involved. You are the lifeblood of AOSW. If we do not have you to pass the baton to, to move programs forward and help us grow, then we are stuck in neutral, running in place. As we all know, if we continue to stay stuck running and getting nowhere, we will eventually just run out of gas. So I ask you, “Where is your place within AOSW? How can we help clear a path and move obstacles out of your way so you may step forward and be more involved?”
Here are some opportunities available to you:
- Run for office
- Join or lead a SIG
- Submit a proposal for a webinar
- Write a story for AOSW Navigator
- Volunteer for the Education Committee and help with non-conference programming
- Be a quiz writer for a webinar
- Be the International Editor for AOSW Navigator
- Volunteer to be an Annual Conference room monitor
- Volunteer to be a Tweeter for Twitter (I had so much fun writing that just now!)
These are EASY ways to get started and involved in AOSW!
We’re here, waiting for you, just a phone call or email away. Reach out to Jordan Burghardt, AOSW Manager of Member Services. If you aren’t sure what you can do, Jordan will be happy to help you look at all the many opportunities available and find the right fit, just for you! You can reach Jordan at 847-686-2295 or
I look forward to seeing many of you at the 2016 AOSW 32nd Annual Conference in Tampa, May 4-6!
Warmest regards,
About the Author
Alison Sachs, MSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
AOSW President-ElectEisenhower Lucy Curci Cancer Center
Rancho Mirage, CA
Alison Sachs, MSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
AOSW President-ElectEisenhower Lucy Curci Cancer Center
Rancho Mirage, CA
Around AOSW: Do You Like What You Do or Do You Love What You Do? Does It Really Matter?Around AOSW: Have You Seen Our Website Lately?
Around AOSW: Notes From Our 2016 Annual Conference
Around AOSW: The Future is Now
Meet Your Leaders: AOSW President-Elect
Meet Your Leaders: Larmender A. Davis, MSW, OSW-C, Director-at-Large
Meet Your Leaders: Penny Damaskos, PhD, LCSW, OSW-C, AOSW President
Meet Your Leaders: Sage Bolte, PhD, LCSW, OSW-C, Director at Large
President's Message: Around AOSW
President's Message: Around AOSW