AOSW Connections
Editorial Team
Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AOSW Communications Director
Brittany Hahn, LCSW
Managing Editor
Patricia Sullivan
Contribute Today!
To submit a story or information for inclusion in a future issue of AOSW Newsletter, contact Amy Colver or Katherine Easton on the list above.
2025 Themes
February: Workplace & Culture
May: Therapeutic Techniques
August: Palliative Care
November: Caregivers
Editor’s Message
By Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LCSW
Welcome to the last issue of AOSW Connections in 2023! It’s been a great year for the newsletter and we’re excited for what’s to come in 2024!
I want to thank the newsletter crew, the staff and leadership of AOSW, members and writers for your contributions and support of AOSW Connections. I’m incredibly grateful and hope you all have found and will continue to find the newsletter to be what our team hopes and strives for – a place for connection, inspiration, support and professional development. A place for people to share their voice and highlight the amazing work that is being done within the field as well as within AOSW.
As we enter each holiday season and prepare for another year to come to a close, the opportunities for reflection as well as looking towards the future come to light, at least they do for me. This is exactly what the writers did in this issue, which has the theme of Evolving Oncology Social Work Practice. We asked writers to reflect on their careers and/or how their practice has evolved over the last few years. We also offered the opportunity to share their thoughts on where they think our field may be going in the future. I’m so proud to share this issue with you.
We have a humble message from AOSW President Leora Lowenthal about what she has learned during her time serving in this role. She outlines key “takeaways” I’m sure we all can relate to! We also have an article from our very own Communications Director, Jeanice Hansen, who eloquently reflects on her career while weaving in some personal touches and sharing what she has learned through being an oncology social worker. Similarly, Sean Powell reflects on his career and the evolution of our profession while touching on the OSW-C credential. He also shares the ways that the OSW-C has supported and encouraged him throughout his career.
Carissa Hodgson reflects on how her practice has changed since the onset of the pandemic. She provides an inspiring overview of how she took the challenges from the pandemic and turned them into opportunities and provides tips for you to do the same! Katherine Easton also reflects on a specific event in her professional life and writes about violence against healthcare professionals. She examines this important issue in an in-depth manner and discusses contributing factors as well as interventions. Jennifer Bires focuses on a specific intervention of psychedelics in end-of-life care. She shares the history and research around psychedelics and encourages us to think more broadly about this intervention.
To focus a bit more on news within AOSW, we have an article from the new Hispanic/Latine SIG leaders, Carmen Hilton and Rachel Allende. Carmen and Rachel share how the idea for the SIG evolved into a group as well as their hopes for it in the future. Kelly Hendershot and Kerry Irish share exciting information about next year’s conference with the theme of “Harnessing the Past for Growth in the Future.” They provide an overview of the amazing work that is already being done to make sure next year’s conference is another memorable one!
We also have a short article about Giving Tuesday and hope you’ll consider supporting AOSW this season.
In other AOSW news, we want to encourage you to follow AOSW’s relatively new Instagram account – you can follow it @assocofosw. Also, if you’re not following AOSW on Facebook yet, please consider doing so. There’s a lot of good information on our social media channels! Additionally, don’t forget to check out the biweekly OSW Newsbrief emails. They are filled with valuable information about AOSW and articles relevant to our profession. Lastly, if you have any questions or a specific issue with the current AOSW website, please contact for assistance. Please be as specific as possible with your question or issue when you reach out.
Thank you again for all of your support of AOSW Connections. I hope you have a peaceful and restful holiday season. We look forward to connecting with you in the new year!
About the Author

Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Editor-in-ChiefSusan G. Komen
Cleveland, Ohio
Amy Colver is a Senior Education and Online Content Specialist in Health Information and Publications at Susan G. Komen. She received her master of science in social administration (MSSA) and her Master of Arts in Bioethics (MA) from Case Western...
Read Full Author Bio

Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Editor-in-ChiefSusan G. Komen
Cleveland, Ohio
Amy Colver is a Senior Education and Online Content Specialist in Health Information and Publications at Susan G. Komen. She received her master of science in social administration (MSSA) and her Master of Arts in Bioethics (MA) from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). Amy has several years of clinical experience in the field of oncology social work. She has worked primarily in outpatient cancer centers. In addition to her clinical responsibilities, Amy is a member of the Association of Oncology Social Workers (AOSW), serving on the Communications Committee. She has been the editor of the AOSW Newsletter since the summer of 2021 and now serves as Editor in Chief. She has volunteered with several organizations including The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, The Cleveland Hope Lodge, The Gathering Place, and The Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at CWRU. She has served on various committees within her places of employment and has been involved in psychosocial research. Her career is a testament to her passion of providing psychosocial care to patients and their support systems facing cancer.
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Book Review
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COVID-19 Resources Available Through AOSW
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Financial Toxicity Resources
Message from the Editor
Resources: A Place to Gather for Individuals Touched by Cancer
Social Determinants of Health and Cancer Care
Welcome to AOSW Connections