AOSW Connections
Editorial Team
Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AOSW Communications Director
Brittany Hahn, LCSW
Managing Editor
Patricia Sullivan
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2025 Themes
February: Workplace & Culture
May: Therapeutic Techniques
August: Palliative Care
November: Caregivers
Take Care
The farewell “take care” was a regular part of my departures from visits with family and friends during the holidays. This regional expression conveys much more than a simple good bye. It summarizes that we are giving each other space while still desiring connection. It means we recognize that well-being requires a committed and intentional effort. We support our loved ones in taking care of themselves, even when there is a geographical separation. We are also taking care of ourselves because we are valued in that mutual relationship. My drive home gave me time to ponder how AOSW supports the taking care of individuals’ professional growth and our strength as an organization.
The inclusive culture of AOSW nurtures members into leadership roles. As I begin my term as President-Elect, I am grateful for all of our leaders who are orienting me to my new role. I want to specifically acknowledge Iris Fineberg, who just completed her term as Past-President, our current Past-President, Penny Damaskos, and our President, Alison Mayer Sachs. Our Board members have many projects in progress. I appreciate their help as I learn to use and promote our resources. Our incoming Board members (Bill McDermott, Treasurer; Andrea Karoff, Communications; and Sarah Conning, Advocacy) are helping AOSW evolve to meet the changing needs of our industry and our members. I look forward to the tools and connections we will develop together.
Envisioning AOSW’s future, I am scouting for members to invest in our strategic goals. A member called me recently to volunteer for a particular committee. After we discussed the needs of that committee, I explored the member’s interest and availability for other potential projects. There are so many opportunities to develop your professional skills and connections while reinforcing the strength of oncology social work. We can find the right niche for any member who volunteers. AOSW needs you, appreciates you and will utilize your gifts.
Diversity is an important part of AOSW’s success and the growth of our members. If we all think, feel or look the same, we miss opportunities to learn from each other. Encourage your students to use AOSW’s student member discount as they start their careers. Invite a new colleague to join AOSW and introduce them via emails and conference networking to their peers. Look for someone with the “new member” badge at conference and ask how you can help him or her connect.
AOSW is a resource for lifelong learning. Our connection to recent research through the Journal of Psychosocial Oncology keeps our practices evolving with evidence-based interventions. Pick at least one conference session that is outside of your usual work focus. Find a new technique or program you can incorporate into your practice. I tend to scan the SWON topic lines for the issues that are on that day’s plate. I vow to read at least one post that is out of my realm. I will tuck away a little knowledge or a potential collegial connection for later use. It is easier for my introverted self to gravitate to the conference table with my buddies, but I promise to look for some unfamiliar faces and get to know them. I appreciate that you teach me new skills, and you encourage me to be a more balanced version of myself.
I am looking forward to the 2016 AOSW 32nd Annual Conference in Tampa, May 4-6. Our conference is the gathering that feels like my professional home. In a mass of 500+ oncology social workers, there is always something new that will help me take better care of my patients and my interdisciplinary team. There is also the empathy amongst my colleagues that sustains my energy for our profession.
I hope to see you in Tampa. Until then, “take care.”
About the Author
Catherine Credeur, LMSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
UT Southwestern Harold C. Simmons Cancer CenterDallas, Texas
Catherine Credeur, LMSW, OSW-C, FAOSW
UT Southwestern Harold C. Simmons Cancer CenterDallas, Texas
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Around AOSW—Going Forward Financially
Around AOSW
Meet Your Leaders: Cynthia Edwards, LMSW, OSW-C - State Representative for Mississippi
Meet Your Leaders: Lisa McLaughlin, LSW, OSW-C, AOSW Social Networking Manager
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President's Message: Around AOSW
President's Message: Around AOSW
Take Care