Vision, Connection and Integration: The Future of AOSW
On Vision “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” – Japanese proverb
Recent changes in cancer care standards have led to increased distress screening in oncology social work. This has had many positive outcomes; screening itself, however, without effective follow-up services is not enough.
Wow, I can’t believe we are already nearing the end of 2018. It’s been a great year for our AOSW webinar series—and we are still going strong. There are opportunities for you to join us live for our remaining webinars on ethics and trauma-informed care presented by Christina Bach and Eileen Joyce, respectively. If you …
“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.” Rabindranath Tagore
Many of you were able to attend the 2018 conference in Atlanta. I hope you came away energized and have been able to apply lessons learned to your particular roles in oncology social work. A big thank you to the Conference Committee and our Kellen team for their work and commitment in the production of …
As Director-at-Large, I have the pleasure of overseeing AOSW’s Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and the SIG Leaders. We have been busy working together to plan new ways to enhance the meaningfulness of the SIGs. In the past few years there have been many changes to the ways SIG information is provided to members. And—we have …
Evolution. It happens in every aspect of life and business, including AOSW. Evolution is a reflection of change and movement. Healthy systems are dynamic systems that evolve and adjust to the influences around them. Evolution can be wonderful, if not always comfortable. As I work toward the conclusion of my three-year term as an AOSW …
In just about a month it will be one year since I stepped into this role—and what a year it has been! Here are the highlights:
In a time of partisan rancor and legislative gridlock and a presidential election cycle none of us will soon forget, would you be surprised to know there is a bill with genuine bipartisan support?