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Director’s Report—Research: Roll-Out of a More Inclusive Research Infrastructure Within AOSW
They say the second year of a three-year committee term is the “sweet spot”—and I am having fun! It’s the time period when you feel that you finally “got this” and are ready to roll up your sleeves and get some work done. Reflecting on my initial goals for Research and Knowledge Development Director, one really resonated with me—to strengthen the research presence within AOSW and fuel the committee with additional energy and passion.
Toward that goal, our committee members used the October 2018 Ann Arbor retreat to develop a new research infrastructure and revise the policy such that it encourages participation from the broader AOSW membership. I hope you take the time to review the attached presentation and think about how you might participate in research and knowledge development within AOSW and at your own institution.
During my early tenure, I listened to AOSW members describe their perceptions of research within AOSW and in general. It became evident that while everyone valued research as a key component of evidence-based practice, there was room for improvement. Therefore, our committee’s first step was to develop a vision that promotes research and knowledge development within the broader AOSW community through: 1) increased and targeted engagement of committee members, 2) energized activity within the SIG, and 3) continued maturation of the Patient-Centered Research Collaborative (PCRC) of Psychosocial Oncology. When it is working well, our activities align with the AOSW strategic plan and contribute to overall health of our organization.
One of the major developments arising from this work is the focus on building a more inclusive committee that now includes early investigators and a patient advocate. It gives me great pleasure to introduce the newest members of the AOSW Research and Knowledge Development Committee who will serve a three-year term with a role in leading the newly established working groups:
- Chiara Acquati, PhD, MSW: Leader, Research Institute Planning and Integration
- Heather Goltz, PhD, LMSW: Leader, Quality Improvement Projects
- Mi Hwa Lee, PhD, MSW: Co-Leader, Navigator Articles
- Ron Mills, MS: Co-Leader, Navigator Articles and Patient Advocate
- Ashley Varner, PhD, LCSW: Leader, Website and Webinar Development
Last but not least, I wish to express my deep gratitude to Dr. Karen Kayser and Dr. Elizabeth Rohan who have resigned from the core executive committee after serving and contributing greatly to AOSW over many years. In addition, I welcome Dr. Barbara Jones and Dr. Tara Schapmire to the core executive committee and join Dr. Julianne Oktay, Dr. Brad Zebrack, Dr. Daniela Wittman and Dr. Hee Lee. This work would not have been possible without the collective energy, knowledge and passion that each and every member brings to advance psychosocial care to those with cancer and their loved ones.
About the Author
Sophia Smith, PhD, MSW
Associate ProfessorDuke University
Durham, North Carolina
Sophia Smith, PhD, MSW
Associate ProfessorDuke University
Durham, North Carolina
Director's Report—Research: Roll-Out of a More Inclusive Research Infrastructure Within AOSWDirector's Report: Research
Research Report: Medical Apps - Do They Really Work? An Example of How Research Can Help