AOSW Connections
Editorial Team
Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AOSW Communications Director
Brittany Hahn, LCSW
Managing Editor
Patricia Sullivan
Contribute Today!
To submit a story or information for inclusion in a future issue of AOSW Newsletter, contact Amy Colver or Katherine Easton on the list above.
2025 Themes
February: Workplace & Culture
May: Therapeutic Techniques
August: Palliative Care
November: Caregivers
Editors’ Message
By Amy Colver, LCSW, and KrisAnn Talarico, LCSW
Happy Social Work Month to all of our social work colleagues! It feels quite fitting that our first issue of 2023 centers around the theme, “Gratitude in Personal and Professional Practice.” It is with tremendous esteem and appreciation that we extend an enthusiastic THANK YOU to every social worker who chooses our field of oncology social work. Your energy, your voice, your passion, and your advocacy impact not only people in our community facing cancer, but also each of us. When the job feels too draining, the system feels too broken, or the losses feel too great, it is often our colleagues within our organizations and across AOSW who offer rich sustenance. This month especially, we thank and honor each of you.
Throughout this issue, you will find information, context, strategies and ideas for the possibilities inherent in one’s authentic experience of gratitude. President Leora Lowenthal starts us off with a truly honest evaluation of gratitude, “I don’t believe that one must be grateful for a cancer diagnosis because no matter how many silver linings and wonderful life lessons there are to be found, at its best cancer is still usually frightening, disruptive and costly.” Through her article she not only gives permission to have a complicated relationship with gratitude, she also makes it very easy to connect with and feel gratitude for all of the aspects of AOSW and a career in oncology social work that are worthwhile in pausing to appreciate.
The Spirituality SIG offers a terrific primer on gratitude, complete with resources to learn more about gratitude jars, walls, huddles, letters and gratitude journals. Kerry Irish details a very beautiful and heartfelt gratitude letter, and encourages us to invite the recipient to a conversation where the letter is read aloud. What a moving way to put gratitude into personal, professional and relational practice!
Kailie Sullivan’s article, “Gratitude at Work,” offers multiple ways that gratitude can be formalized as a practice within organizations at various levels. AOSW President-Elect Brittany Nwachuku’s article delves into practical approaches one can take quite simply during a day or a week, recognizing the role gratitude can play in coping with or preventing burnout. And Kara Joseph illustrates her use of a “spiritual pause” throughout her days to more deeply understand and appreciate each individual person.
As you read through this issue and glean inspiration, nuggets of wisdom, and bright ideas for how to incorporate gratitude more deeply in your own life, we have one more challenge for you:
Take a moment to reflect on how you receive the gratitude and appreciation that is and has been offered to you. Let yourself feel it. Steep yourself in it, even for a moment. Savor – without judgement or explanation – the gift that has been given to you. Receive it openly. Just as we can take for granted the simple pleasures in life, we can often overlook or explain away another’s deep thank you. Let this one sink in.
Happy Social Work Month and thank you!
As you may have seen on SWON or in an email, AOSW Connections is looking for writers! If you are interested in writing for the newsletter or in being part of our team, please reach out to Amy or me. Likewise, if you are reading the newsletter online and are not receiving the newsletter in your inbox, simply update your profile to subscribe to general AOSW emails here: Simply login and go to privacy settings to update your profile.
About the Authors

Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Editor-in-ChiefSusan G. Komen
Cleveland, Ohio
Amy Colver is a Senior Education and Online Content Specialist in Health Information and Publications at Susan G. Komen. She received her master of science in social administration (MSSA) and her Master of Arts in Bioethics (MA) from Case Western...
Read Full Author Bio

Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Editor-in-ChiefSusan G. Komen
Cleveland, Ohio
Amy Colver is a Senior Education and Online Content Specialist in Health Information and Publications at Susan G. Komen. She received her master of science in social administration (MSSA) and her Master of Arts in Bioethics (MA) from Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). Amy has several years of clinical experience in the field of oncology social work. She has worked primarily in outpatient cancer centers. In addition to her clinical responsibilities, Amy is a member of the Association of Oncology Social Workers (AOSW), serving on the Communications Committee. She has been the editor of the AOSW Newsletter since the summer of 2021 and now serves as Editor in Chief. She has volunteered with several organizations including The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, The Cleveland Hope Lodge, The Gathering Place, and The Jack, Joseph, and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences at CWRU. She has served on various committees within her places of employment and has been involved in psychosocial research. Her career is a testament to her passion of providing psychosocial care to patients and their support systems facing cancer.
A Message from the EditorsA Message from the Editors
Book Review
Book Review
COVID-19 Resources Available Through AOSW
Editors' Message
Editors’ Message
Editor’s Message
Editor's Message
Editor's Message
Editor's Message
Editors' Message
Financial Toxicity Resources
Message from the Editor
Resources: A Place to Gather for Individuals Touched by Cancer
Social Determinants of Health and Cancer Care
Welcome to AOSW Connections

KrisAnn Talarico, LCSW, OSW-C
Editor in ChiefClearity
Portland, Oregon
KrisAnn Talarico is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Board-Certified Oncology Social Worker (OSW-C) who lives in Portland, Oregon. She is passionate about improving the lives of patients and families facing cancer, and has been since f...
Read Full Author Bio

KrisAnn Talarico, LCSW, OSW-C
Editor in ChiefClearity
Portland, Oregon
KrisAnn Talarico is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Board-Certified Oncology Social Worker (OSW-C) who lives in Portland, Oregon. She is passionate about improving the lives of patients and families facing cancer, and has been since facilitating her first Women’s Cancer Support Group in 2002. She currently is a Lead OC Counselor with Steps Through OC, a Program of Clearity. Steps Through OC offers 10 sessions of emotional support over a six-month period to women and caregivers coping with ovarian cancer. Previously, KrisAnn was an Oncology Social Worker at Oregon Health & Science University in Portland, OR and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance in Seattle, WA. She has also worked for non-profit organizations seeking to advance the level of psychosocial support delivered to cancer survivors through the use of technology, including bringing to life an online Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management program for breast cancer survivors. KrisAnn shares deep appreciation for AOSW and the expert colleagues she has met through our professional association. She has been the Editor of the AOSW newsletter since 2014.
A Decade of AOSW Evolution Through the Lens of the AOSW NewsletterA Message from the Editors
A Message from the Editors
Book & Film Reviews: Handbook of Oncology Social Work: Psychosocial Care for People with Cancer Grace Christ, Carolyn Messner, & Lynn Behar (Eds.)
Book Review: Demystifying DBT for Cancer: Encouraging, Practical Strategies for Coping with Cancer
Book Review: Your Journey beyond Breast Cancer: Tools for the Road
Editors' Message
Editors’ Message
Editors' Message
Introducing AOSW Navigator: Our New Bi-Monthly E-Newsletter
Psychosocial Support for Patients with Genetic Predisposition to Cancer
Welcome to AOSW Connections