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Hero’s Journey
By Carla Gomez, LCSW
What these mothers do is nothing less than heroic. They nurture life while knowing theirs is finite and in so doing show the miracle of life. It gives their actions an infusion of light and is a gift for those who witness it.
Maribel and Nikki are from different worlds but are trudging the same path, through oncology treatment. They are both in their 30s, both with two young children. They differ by diagnosis and language, but both are dealing with Stage 4 cancer and a poor prognosis.
Maribel and Nikki share so much in common but will likely never meet, though I think it might be nice if they did. What they have in common is a steep and unfortunate path. It seems unfair they cannot just sit together, despite the language barrier, although there is little time outside of treatment and mothering for sharing the enormity of this experience.
My team and I appreciate the time we spend with them and try to create a little bit of normalcy amidst an unfathomable situation. It is inspiring that they can walk through the door with the grace and hope they do. Every time they do, it is faith in action.
Maribel lives in a one-bedroom house with her husband and two school-aged boys. She and her family love soccer and Team Argentina. Maribel no longer works, and her husband works seasonally.
Nikki works off and on. She is married and has two preschool aged daughters who like dancing and art.
Cancer treatment is their work, albeit unpaid. Finances are a frequent worry. I advocate, cajole, encourage them to ask for help. I assist with translation as they tell a stranger about their diagnosis, injecting humanity into a business relationship.
In Santa Cruz, we are fortunate to have the support of a community and organization that provides treatment to patients who sometimes arrive uninsured. We navigate these patients into Medi-Cal. We are fortunate to live in a state that supports health equity and inclusivity. California has provided for undocumented women to receive breast cancer treatment since 2002, independent of federal funding. This was implemented before the Affordable Care Act. Thank you, Breast Cancer Advocates.
Our community holds a significant number of patients of low socioeconomic status with little support and few resources. It is a large underprivileged population with many who are undocumented. We take extra time to devote to each individual.
Everyone deserves access to healthcare. For these families, it means time. When treatment gives them this time, another birthday, Christmas holiday, we all rejoice in the success. You never know the immortality of a good deed.
About the Author

Carla Gomez, MSW, LCSW
Sutter Health, Hematology/OncologySanta Cruz, California
Carla Gomez, MSW, LCSW, is an LCSW with over 25 years of experience working with diverse populations within Santa Cruz County. She currently works as an Oncology Social Worker with Sutter Health where she does direct patient care. Carla has done e...
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Carla Gomez, MSW, LCSW
Sutter Health, Hematology/OncologySanta Cruz, California
Carla Gomez, MSW, LCSW, is an LCSW with over 25 years of experience working with diverse populations within Santa Cruz County. She currently works as an Oncology Social Worker with Sutter Health where she does direct patient care. Carla has done extensive work with Latino families including first-generation families. Additional experience includes work with populations not accustomed or familiar with psychological/counseling services. She started an Outreach program at Sutter to reach uninsured patients in need of breast cancer screenings and treatment in 2010. Carla received a master’s of social work (MSW) from San Jose State University (SJSU) and has a bachelor’s (BA) in History from Vassar College.
Hero's Journey