AOSW Connections
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2015 AOSW 31st Annual Conference: Leading with Skill and Passion: Oncology Social Workers at the Forefront of Cancer Care
Whether you were there in person or joined the 2015 AOSW 31st Annual Conference from Seattle via webcast, I hope that you are energized and applying the take home messages of the presentations which embraced our theme of "Leading with Skill and Passion: Oncology Social Workers at the Forefront of Cancer Care.”
As I reflect on the theme, the conference presentations, and the work put into planning the conference by the 2015 Conference Planning Committee, I am reminded that each of us brings a unique perspective to those we meet and serve as they travel their cancer journeys. From across the country and around the globe, we have the privilege of walking along side, partnering with, educating and sometimes just being present in a time when the pieces of life's picture puzzle have been tossed up into the air and landed upside down, sideways and backwards since the word cancer was heard.
Making "sense" of this new picture can lead the patient and loved ones to an oncology social worker for a myriad of reasons. In being transparent, I can admit that when I first began my career 18 years ago, I was uncertain as to what my making a difference in the life of another human being (if that wasn’t too presumptuous) would look like, and then becoming an oncology social worker in a center that was without one before me, well, that was dauntingly scary, but I welcomed the opportunity, and have not walked the path alone.
I share this with you to say “thank you” to the membership, the leaders, the SWON posters, and conference presenters of AOSW, for sharing your knowledge, wisdom, compassion and hearts. You make a difference everyday in all that you do and your commitment to being at the forefront of cancer care is ever evident and appreciated.
There are so many people to thank following the conference. The sponsors, attendees, exhibitors, speakers, presenters, volunteers, award & scholarship recipients and, of course, the AOSW Board of Directors for their leadership and wisdom. (click photo to enlarge)
And extra special thanks to the 2015 Conference Planning Committee, our Seattle contingent, Lynn Behar, the University of Washington School of Social Work and our management group, Kellen. Your dedication to providing an engaging and interactive conference experience certainly showcased leadership with skill and passion!
We now pass the baton to the 2016 AOSW 32nd Annual Conference Planning Committee: Chair, Fran Becker, Meredith Cammarota, Chris Healy, Maureen Rigney and Kerry Stanley. I hope the knowledge imparted at this year’s conference stimulates your discussions, ideas, calls for action and deliberating at the conference planning table!
And on that note, watch for an announcement regarding abstract submission for the 2016 conference in July!
I look forward to seeing you in Tampa!
About the Author
Chelsea Kroll, MSW, LMSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerCancer Center of East Alabama
Opelika, Alabama
Chelsea Kroll, LMSW, OSW-C, has been a member of AOSW for 22 years, serving in various roles, and currently is serving as the Director at Large for the Special Interest Groups.
Read Full Author Bio
Chelsea Kroll, MSW, LMSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerCancer Center of East Alabama
Opelika, Alabama
Chelsea Kroll, LMSW, OSW-C, has been a member of AOSW for 22 years, serving in various roles, and currently is serving as the Director at Large for the Special Interest Groups.
2015 AOSW 31st Annual Conference: Leading with Skill and Passion: Oncology Social Workers at the Forefront of Cancer CareAnnual Conference Update
AOSW Annual Conference Update
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