AOSW Connections
Editorial Team
Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AOSW Communications Director
Brittany Hahn, LCSW
Managing Editor
Patricia Sullivan
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To submit a story or information for inclusion in a future issue of AOSW Newsletter, contact Amy Colver or Katherine Easton on the list above.
2025 Themes
February: Workplace & Culture
May: Therapeutic Techniques
August: Palliative Care
November: Caregivers
AOSW SIGs and How You Can Be Involved
By Karen Costello, MSS, LSW, OSW-C, and Chelsea Kroll, MSW, LMSW, OSW-C
The Association of Oncology Social Work (AOSW) offers Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to its members. Yet some members might not know what a SIG entails and so might not join. This can mean a lost opportunity to network, learn and have fun! I am new to SIGs and have already found great value in being with other oncology social workers interested in patient navigation.
SIG membership is a great way to meet other members of AOSW especially those who work in similar settings or have interests in the same areas of oncology social work that you do. In addition, SIGs host meetings that can be a source of education, inspiration, connectedness and even support. This year, many AOSW SIGs are hosting virtual meetings on a regular basis. These weekly, monthly, quarterly or annual meetings mean those who attend will get to know each other well and this then opens the opportunity to learn from one another and make new colleagues and friends.
In addition, anyone who attends the AOSW annual conference this June in New Orleans can drop into an in-person SIG meeting. The SIG meetings are being held on Tuesday, June 20, and Wednesday, June 21. You can check out the complete schedule of SIG meetings found in the annual conference section of our website. In case you are not able to attend a SIG meeting and still want to connect with a SIG leader while you’re at the conference, the Whova conference app will allow you to directly connect with a SIG leader via messaging.
There are so many amazing topics covered at our Annual Conference this year and many are relevant to the SIG topic areas. The conference organizers have worked very hard to follow each SIG meeting with a topic-related session. This is a great way to immerse yourself in the subject matter and get the most from learning at the Conference. For example, if you’re interested in Research, you’ll be able to locate sessions on the schedule that have the RES tag. For those interested in Blood/Bone Marrow, sessions will be tagged BMT, etc.
You can find SIG leaders everywhere during the Annual Conference – we’ll be wearing name badges with ribbons to indicate that we are SIG leaders. Come up to us and ask us more about how to visit or become a member! You can also stop by the SIG table in the exhibit hall to learn more, ask questions and/or sign up!
On behalf of the SIG leaders, please consider attending a SIG meeting while at the conference -we look forward to meeting you in New Orleans!
About the Authors
Chelsea Kroll, MSW, LMSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerCancer Center of East Alabama
Opelika, Alabama
Chelsea Kroll, LMSW, OSW-C, has been a member of AOSW for 22 years, serving in various roles, and currently is serving as the Director at Large for the Special Interest Groups.
Read Full Author Bio
Chelsea Kroll, MSW, LMSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerCancer Center of East Alabama
Opelika, Alabama
Chelsea Kroll, LMSW, OSW-C, has been a member of AOSW for 22 years, serving in various roles, and currently is serving as the Director at Large for the Special Interest Groups.
2015 AOSW 31st Annual Conference: Leading with Skill and Passion: Oncology Social Workers at the Forefront of Cancer CareAnnual Conference Update
AOSW Annual Conference Update
AOSW SIGs and How You Can Be Involved
Conference Committee Update
Director's Report: Education
Director's Report: Education
Director's Report: Education
Director's Report—Education: An Exciting Time
Director's Report—Education
Education Director's Report
It’s a special edition of AOSW Jeopardy, and I’ll take “AOSW Benefits for $1,000, Ken.”
SIG Updates

Karen Costello, MSS, LSW, OSW-C
Senior Director & Patient Navigator, Cancer Support HelplineCancer Support Community
Philadelphia, Penn.
Karen Costello, MSS, LSW, OSW-C, joined CSC in October 2019 and is the Senior Director and Patient Navigator of the Cancer Support Helpline. She has 30 years of oncology experience as a social worker and practice administrator in university health...
Read Full Author Bio

Karen Costello, MSS, LSW, OSW-C
Senior Director & Patient Navigator, Cancer Support HelplineCancer Support Community
Philadelphia, Penn.
Karen Costello, MSS, LSW, OSW-C, joined CSC in October 2019 and is the Senior Director and Patient Navigator of the Cancer Support Helpline. She has 30 years of oncology experience as a social worker and practice administrator in university health care settings as well as patient services, fundraising and programs development in the non-profit cancer advocacy space. At CSC Karen is a member of the Programs team and provides clinical oversight of the Cancer Support Helpline. In addition, Karen coordinates navigation services for patients and caregivers. Her special areas of interest include financial navigation, addressing barriers to care, adult learning needs and women’s health concerns.
AOSW SIGs and How You Can Be InvolvedThe Social Worker’s Role in Developing Equitable Community Programs