AOSW Connections
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Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
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Brittany Hahn, LCSW
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Social Media at the 2016 Annual Conference
The 2016 AOSW 32nd Annual Conference in Tampa (#AOSW2016 for the social media savvy) has come and gone, but the reactions live on through the presence of social media. Here is a sample of some of the tweets that went out about the conference—you can feel the energy of the conference.
- It's a problem to be welcomed to a place of healing w/ the paperwork of mortality.
- Don't act like we are treating diseases, processes, or events rather than people.
- "We do not have to welcome what appalls us, but we do have to welcome the person who is caught in or chose it." Dr. Mohrmann
- You can welcome the sick without welcoming illness. You can welcome dying without welcoming death.
- "It's the ongoing effort that we make to keep ourselves closed off, the unbroken heart, that wears us down." Dr. Mohrmann
- Excellent Keynote by Margaret Mohrmann, MD, on welcoming the sick. Thanks AOSW for tackling the toughest issues.
- Opening talk from Dr. Margaret Mohrmann: the welcoming heart, the one that has been broken, expands, is often repaid, is made full.
- Q&A with social workers who specialize in helping people w/ #cancer and their loved ones
- Patrice Al-Shatti, LMSW, discussed the transformative power of pain to a standing room only audience.
- Learning about AYA Internet and social media based needs
- Challenge of #cancer for young patients who are black & white thinkers is that cancer is all grey.
- Learning about the ADA from experts @TriageCancer 's Joanna Morales & @CancerAndCareer 's Rebecca Nellis
- Not an inch of floor space available in Karlynn BrintzenhofSzoc's Motivational Interviewing workshop.
- Fertility and young women with cancer needs to be better addressed. We need more affordable options to help them become moms.
- Thanks @boltes & #AllieGubin for talking about #youngadult #cancer patients as sexual beings.
- From Dr. Katherine Walsh re: career planning: begin early and review often, but remember chaos will reign at some points
- Hopelessness and loss of meaning are two of the greatest sources of suffering for patients per Dr. Bill Breitbart. (1 of 2)
- The enhancement of meaning decreases this distress. meaning can be found in both triumph/tragedy, intermingling with both (2 of 2)
- Kickstarting the day with protips on translating #cancerresearch to #socialwork practice, moderated by Dr. @BradZebrack.
- #SocialWork in #cancerresearch allows consideration of social ramifications like costs, otherwise overlooked.
- Validating the very important survivorship issues so many of our patients face and how to better evaluate our effectiveness
- "Though the physicality of death destroy us, the idea of death may save us" -Irvin Yalom, The Gift of Therapy
- Getting inspired at #AOSW2016? Want to share your ideas, programs and practice? Get help with our abstract mentor program!
- Great panel discussion this morning on bridging oncology social work practice wisdom & research!
- Learning how to become better advocates here at #AOSW2016 We can all make a difference!
- From SW Melissa Stewart: spiritual unfolding/evolution is ongoing, must be deliberately chosen, cultivated (1 of 2)
- Our own spiritual process isn't just for ourselves; it is for everybody (2 of 2)
- Fabulous Advocacy talk by Vicki Kennedy, Cancer Support Community.
- Patients who were screened for distress had an 18% lower risk of an emergency room visit and 19% lower risk for hospitalization.
- Many important decisions about cancer are made outside the doctor’s office in state legislature, congress, the white house
- Samantha Williamson thanks for sharing your passion for palliative caregivers! Keep up the amazing work.
- In a world of limited resources, SWs feel overwhelmed when clients are financially burdened, pressured to produce what doesn't exist
- SWs are especially equipped for care of the entire patient, must be a part of deciding what composes quality and value in #ValueBasedCare
The 2017 AOSW conference in Denver (#AOSW2017) promises to bring the same level of excitement, and learning and being together. Thanks to all who tweeted—your 140 characters continue the energy of #AOSW2016 long after it has passed.
About the Author
Lisa McLaughlin, MSW, LSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerMD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper
Camden, New Jersey
Lisa McLaughlin, MSW, LSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerMD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper
Camden, New Jersey
Conference 2019—Social NetworkingSocial Media at the 2016 Annual Conference
Social Media: Finding Inspiration and Making Connections at #AOSW2018
Social Media: Finding Inspiration and Making Connections at the 2017 Annual Conference
Social Media Report: Posts Bring 2015 Annual Conference To Life