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Social Media Report: Posts Bring 2015 Annual Conference To Life
One challenging thing about going to the AOSW Annual Conference is figuring out which of many talks to attend, since they all sound so good and are happening at the same time. Followers on Twitter and those who “like” AOSW’s Facebook page were given a sneak peek by checking out what other people were saying on social media.
Here are some of the things that were mentioned on Twitter during the conference:
- Proud to present a poster on our survivorship program development @#AOSW2015 @mylifelineorg
- We are proudly sharing at #AOSW2015 in Seattle. Thanks, @oncosocialwork!
- #AOSW2015 "need sleep?" A problem so many of our patients face long term. Such an important quality of life issue!
- #aosw2015 great discussion on advanced care planning. What powerful work is being done to help our patients have challenging discussions
- Legacy = "creating something of lasting value" ACP for young adults & important role of oncology social work #aosw2015
- #AOSW2015 – Stop by our booth to talk about how we assist #cancer #patients w/ funding. $60million+ provided to date.
- Iris Cohen Fineberg PhD #AOSW2015 family conferencing brings all together to focus on improving pts' and their families' quality of life
- @sotisgreen Great point! Oncology social workers really are the glue for #cancer patients when going through cancer treatments. #AOSW2015
- "Oncology social workers make the work of oncology possible" Dr John Wynn #AOSW2015
- Truth is hidden by two veils – health and wealth. Al-din Rumi. Presented by keynote Dr. Wynn #AOSW2015
- Hey hey hey listen up listen up! @campkesem is ready to rep our cause at the #AOSW2015 bright and early tomorrow AM!
- Chatting w social workers at #AOSW2015 today in Seattle about nominating patients for #diftl grants
Our Facebook team was busy posting photos and messages about what was going on as well:
- Many of us at AOSW call this amazing woman "mentor" and our inspiration. Thanks to Shirley Otis-Green for doing the closing keynote of the 31st Annual Conference
- Carolyn Messner from CancerCare teaches about leadership through writing
- Kerry Irish shares the importance of helping clients find meaning and hope when cancer is advanced
- Angela Usher masterfully speaks about passion and creativity in oncology social work
- Congratulations Quality of Life award winner Susan Gerbino!
- Lorelei Bonet’s presentation “Psychosocial Ecotones: Creating Spaces of Clinical Significance” was both engaging and moving!
- Sarah Kelly tells us about telephone support groups for people with brain tumors
- Thankful that Morgan Davis is helping us refocus on ourselves and the importance of intentional self-care with her talk “The Wounded Healer”
- Presenters and OncoLink goddesses Christina Bach and Carolyn Vachani talk distress screening response
I hope that these posts provide a taste for how amazing and inspirational AOSW’s 2015 Annual Conference (#AOSW2015 on Twitter) was. If you can’t be at #AOSW2016 in Tampa, Florida next May, plan to follow us on Twitter (@oncosocialwork) and Facebook (as Association of Oncology Social Work). And if all of this has spurred a desire to move upward and onward in your career, don’t forget to join our LinkedIn group or SWON (Social Work Oncology Network) for a peek at job opportunities for oncology social workers.
About the Author
Lisa McLaughlin, MSW, LSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerMD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper
Camden, New Jersey
Lisa McLaughlin, MSW, LSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerMD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper
Camden, New Jersey
Conference 2019—Social NetworkingSocial Media at the 2016 Annual Conference
Social Media: Finding Inspiration and Making Connections at #AOSW2018
Social Media: Finding Inspiration and Making Connections at the 2017 Annual Conference
Social Media Report: Posts Bring 2015 Annual Conference To Life