AOSW Connections
Editorial Team
Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
AOSW Communications Director
Brittany Hahn, LCSW
Managing Editor
Patricia Sullivan
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To submit a story or information for inclusion in a future issue of AOSW Newsletter, contact Amy Colver or Katherine Easton on the list above.
2025 Themes
February: Workplace & Culture
May: Therapeutic Techniques
August: Palliative Care
November: Caregivers
Social Media: Finding Inspiration and Making Connections at the 2017 Annual Conference
The 2017 AOSW 33rd Annual Conference in Denver has come to a close, and what a conference it was! Social media was abuzz with reflections and tidbits from the various sessions. Some conference-goers made connections, while others found inspiration in the presentations. Others found much needed information at the booths in the Exhibitor Hall. If you weren’t able to attend this year, consider coming to #AOSW2018 in Atlanta. Or even better, submit an abstract proposal! But don’t delay. The abstract submission deadline is September 11, 2017.
Here is just a small sampling of the many social media posts from the 2017 Annual Conference:
- Dr. Brad Zebrack & colleagues packing the room to share updates on the progress & outcomes related to distress screening for cancer patients. #AOSW2017
- Connect. Thrilled to meet after years of collaborating with colleague Meri Gilman – both of us worked for NCI-CIS and continue to support Alaska Leukemia and Lymphoma patients at UWMC where Meri is now. AOSW gathering has been transforming! #AOSW2017
- Oncology Social Workers creating a psychosocial research collaborative @oncosocialwork #AOSW2017 @CoalitionCCC @PCORI
- Good to see @pbjacobsen and Dr Zabora. Thanks for sharing @sotisgreen #AOSW2017
- #AOSW2017 Oncology social workers make a difference in the lives of those with cancer, through survivorship
- "Care Planning is a PROCESS not an event" Julia Rowland #AOSW2017 @oncosocialwork @CoalitionCCC
- Learning how to improve quality of care for cancer survivorship! #AOSW2017
- Geriatric psychology—"healthspan" concerns of cancer survivors (growth industry) Julia Rowland #AOSW2017 @oncosocialwork @CoalitionCCC
- Dr. Julia Rowland, Director of @theNCI Office of Cancer Survivorship giving a keynote at #AOSW2017 @CancerSupportCm @oncosocialwork
- Strategies for survivorship care shared care model—Australia model does it well (single payor system!) #AOSW2017
- Very busy at booth 211 at AOSW 2017. Our palliative care education professional development course catalog is very popular! #AOSW2017
- Why OSWs might challenge the notion of positive thinking… #AOSW2017 #palliativecare
- Thank you #aosw2017—such a beautiful & thoughtful event & conversation. Thanks to all who came to my talks, I'll look forward to next time.
- A fascinating lecture on pain in cancer by Dr. Y. Colon at oncology social work meeting @oncosocialwork #AOSW2017
- More #AOSW2017 honors 4 Zelda Foster Studies cmty: Jennifer Bires-Oncology #SocialWorker of Yr & Richard Dickens-Leadership in Oncology Award
- "Under treatment of pain is a public health crisis." Yvette Colon, PhD
- Diversity too often = disparity in pain management: important role for Oncology Social Work! Stigma increase suffering! #AOSW2017 #hpm
- Love learning best practices in oncology social work and unexpectedly seeing old friends! #smallworld #AOSW2017
- #AOSW2017 Dr Yvette Colon—Biopsychosocial understanding of pain crosses all four domains of pain.
- Final hours at the AOSW conference. These oncology social workers are great people! #AOSW2017 #hpm
- #AOSW2017 Common theme at AOSW: Cancer patients scared to death they will not have healthcare coverage very soon. Is D.C. listening?
- Semantics matter: "opioids" vs "narcotics"—don't conflate pain & tolerance & abuse #AOSW2017
- #AOSW2017 Survivorship Care Planning is not about the paper- it's about the conversation! Dr. Roland- NCI Director of Survivorship
- #AOSW2017 Dr. Colon educated conference on the damaging impacts of pain and the role OSW can play helping to manage.
- #AOSW2017 How are we supporting the psychosocial needs of our patients with cancer in survivorship? Dr. Rowland, NCI
- #AOSW2017 The lessons we learn through the tears that come with loss. Patrice Al-Shatti. Closing Keynote speaker
About the Author
Lisa McLaughlin, MSW, LSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerMD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper
Camden, New Jersey
Lisa McLaughlin, MSW, LSW, OSW-C
Oncology Social WorkerMD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper
Camden, New Jersey
Conference 2019—Social NetworkingSocial Media at the 2016 Annual Conference
Social Media: Finding Inspiration and Making Connections at #AOSW2018
Social Media: Finding Inspiration and Making Connections at the 2017 Annual Conference
Social Media Report: Posts Bring 2015 Annual Conference To Life