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Research: Building a Patient-Centered Research Collaborative (PCRC) for Psychosocial Oncology
Recently, the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), a nongovernmental organization established through funding from the Affordable Care Act, awarded a two-year $250,000 grant to the University of Michigan School of Social Work and AOSW to establish a Patient-Centered Research Collaborative (PCRC) for Psychosocial Oncology. Collaborative and cooperative group models for scientific research are common in oncology; however, they focus primarily on biomedical outcomes and cancer treatment trials. Relatively little psychosocial research is supported through these cooperative group models, and rarely do these models integrate patients as part of the investigative team. This new project will involve engaging a committed group of 15 oncology social workers, 15 cancer patient advocates and academic researchers in the identification of high priority research questions and ultimately supporting their involvement in research of relevance to patients and families.
AOSW’s PCRC for Psychosocial Oncology will be particularly focused on patient-centered research and a reinforcement of the Commission on Cancer patient-centered standards, as psychosocial care is directly responsive to patient needs, values and preferences. The structure will also facilitate input from various stakeholders, such as the American Cancer Society and the Commission on Cancer, with regard to other needed and viable research topics such as advance directives, health disparities, psychosocial staffing standards or comparisons of the effectiveness of different psychosocial care interventions.
The goal of this new initiative is to enhance AOSW members’ collective knowledge and ability to design and conduct research, disseminate findings and achieve systems changes that ultimately contribute to quality cancer care. To this end, the PCRC will engage and utilize the wisdom and talents of AOSW members in Research Institutes that will be held in conjunction with AOSW’s Annual Conferences in 2017 (Denver) and 2018 (Atlanta). PCRC members will also have an opportunity to participate in a series of monthly teleconferences intended to enhance their skills and confidence to participate in research, both nationally and also at the cancer center where they work.
The PCRC for Psychosocial Oncology builds upon AOSW’s Project to Assure Quality Cancer Care (APAQCC) in that it represents a community-building approach to cancer research that is unique and innovative. We view research as a process of generating knowledge but also as a form of community building. It starts with individuals who intend to develop a strong community as a mechanism for problem solving. It involves collaborating to accomplish more together than anyone could if acting alone. It emphasizes planning and organizing as a means for community members to accomplish their goals. When conceptualized as community building, research can contribute to a knowledge base and also to the enhancement of individual competencies and connectedness within an affected community, organizational capacity to conduct research and leadership development.
How to Get Involved
Applications for participation are now being accepted.
Benefits of participation include:
- Research training, skill-building, and mentorship
- Opportunity to contribute to research that will enhance the quality of cancer care
- Networking and collaboration with established OSW researchers
- Round-trip airfare and one night lodging to attend the Research Institutes at the AOSW Annual Conferences in 2017 and 2018
- $200 honorarium for creating and presenting a training module
- CEUs for attending monthly videoconferences (pending)
Selected participants will be social workers:
- with at least two years of experience in oncology
- employed at a cancer center
- able to recruit a patient or survivor from their cancer program to participate as a partner in the research collaborative
If you are passionate about improving patient experiences and interested in participating in research, we encourage you to apply.
This initiative is being conducted in partnership with the University of Michigan School of Social Work (Project Leader is Brad Zebrack). For further questions about the PCRC, contact the project’s oncology social work consultant Caroline Macuiba, LCSW, OSW-C, at
For questions or concerns about the application, contact Lisa Kelley at (734) 764-4212, or email her at
About the Author
Julianne S. Oktay, PhD, MSW, FAOSW
Julianne S. Oktay, PhD, MSW, FAOSW
AOSW Psychosocial Distress Screening Study Results Highlighted: A Project to Assure Quality Cancer Care (APAQCC)AOSW Research Institute: White Paper Author – Request for Proposals
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