AOSW Connections
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Amy Colver, MSSA, MA, LISW
Katherine Easton, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C
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Exciting Research Events at the Tucson Conference
The 2019 conference provided many activities and opportunities to learn about oncology social work research. Here is a brief summary of some of the highlights:
Research Special Interest Group (SIG)
The Research SIG meeting provided a demonstration of the new Practice Version of the Oncology Social Work Intervention Index (OSWiiPVP) by yours truly. Many AOSW members helped in the development of the research version of this instrument. Many oncology social workers expressed interest in a practice version, so that they could examine their own interventions and demonstrate their contributions. In response, a Practice Version Prototype (PVP) was developed in an Excel format for use by practitioners. If you were unable to attend this demonstration, and you would like to see the slides, or the instrument itself, please contact me at
Clinical Practice Institute
For the first time, AOSW offered a research focused Clinical Practice Institute at the 2019 conference. Heather Goltz, Chiara Acquati and David Latini, who work in the Houston area, offered an introduction to practice-informed research. (Heather and Chiara are both new members of the Research Committee.)
Learning Institute
Brad Zebrack (member of the Research Committee and past Research Director) developed and moderated a panel presentation on The Value and Import of Measuring Patient Outcomes in Oncology Social Work Practice. I participated on the panel, along with practitioners Makeeta Rayton, Mark Flanagan and Jeanice Hansen. Each of the panelists discussed how they are using data to describe and enhance their own practice.
Research papers, posters and symposia
Numerous papers, posters and symposia presented the results of research studies and illustrated how research can advance oncology social work practice. Here are some highlights.
- AOSW Research Director, Sophia Smith, and Susan Hedlund focused on treating cancer-related trauma.
- Karlynn BrintzenhofeSzoc and Louisa Daratsos applied research results to practice with veterans.
- Canadian researchers Carole Mayer and colleagues Mark Collins and Silvana Spadafora presented a poster on their survey results of patients and health professionals on managing cancer symptoms.
- Adina Fleischmann, Elana Silber, Kathryn Rehberg, Suzanne O’Neill, and Kenneth Tercyak presented a poster on an outcome evaluation of structured peer support services for young women with breast cancer.
- Gerrie Jakobs moderated a paper symposia where presenters described new interprofessional models of care. Barbara Jones and Rebekkah Schear used the CaLM Model to show how they are building a new patient-centered cancer institute at MD Anderson in Austin. Karen Weihs reported on an implementation study to inform dissemination of the collaborative care model to underserved patients. Finally, the symposia included a presentation by Shannon La Cava, William Saltzman and Elaine Wittert on a collaborative and multi-disciplinary approach to an evidence-based family communication program.
Early-Career Oncology Social Work Scholars: Building and Cultivating a Network of Peers
Also new this year, recent PhD graduates Chiara Acquati and Lailea Noel organized an informal session to bring together early career oncology social work scholars to engage in a conversation with peers about professional development and establish ongoing collaborative relationships and peer-networking opportunities. They aim to make this an annual event for a group that is essential for the future of oncology social work.
Pre-Conference Workshop
Also, for the first time, a preconference workshop focusing on knowledge development and dissemination was offered by Karen Kayser and Daniela Wittmann. As editor of the Journal of Psychosocial Oncology (the AOSW journal), Karen and Daniela used their experience with publishing to demystify the publication process. Participants were encouraged and guided to develop an idea from their practice for eventual publication.
As you can see, there were many opportunities at the AOSW 2019 Conference to extend our knowledge and skill in research! We hope you were able to take advantage of them. If not, you may want to contact the authors to learn more about their presentation. We hope you will be able to attend next year’s conference in Raleigh, NC.
About the Author
Julianne S. Oktay, PhD, MSW, FAOSW
Julianne S. Oktay, PhD, MSW, FAOSW
AOSW Psychosocial Distress Screening Study Results Highlighted: A Project to Assure Quality Cancer Care (APAQCC)AOSW Research Institute: White Paper Author – Request for Proposals
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Director's Report: Research
Director's Report: Research
Exciting Research Events at the Tucson Conference
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New Research Activities and Events
Research: Building a Patient-Centered Research Collaborative (PCRC) for Psychosocial Oncology
Research Events at the 2019 AOSW Conference
Research Report: A Project to Assure Quality Cancer Care (APAQCC)
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Research Report: Highlights From the IPOS 16th World Congress of Psycho-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy
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Research Report: Post-Conference Research Institute
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Research Report: Reimagining End-of-Life Care
Research Report: Research Events at the AOSW 2018 Conference
Research Report: Should I Engage in Research? Twelve Questions to Assist Oncology Social Workers
Research: Towards Building a Bridge Between Researchers and Practitioners
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Using Research to Justify Additional Social Work Positions