Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups (SIGs) offer members with specific interests or needs a network to discuss, explore, and exchange ideas. SIGs form an integral part of AOSW and each draws their membership from the larger Association. Any AOSW member is eligible to affiliate with any, or all, SIGs. The current AOSW SIGs appear below listing the SIG Chair(s), contact information, and resources.

To join or withdraw from a SIG, simply update your member profile in the “Demographics” tab of the AOSW member database. Please allow up to 24 hours for the change to be reflected. You may belong to as many SIGs as you wish. SIG leaders will keep you involved and informed of SIG activities and communication. You can adjust your notification preferences in your online community profile.

View step-by-step directions on how to join a SIG.

Interested in becoming a SIG Leader? Please email AOSW headquarters.

The SIG Director-at-Large is the primary Board of Director liaison for the SIGs and is happy to assist and answer questions for them. You can contact Chelsea Kroll, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C, SIG Director-at-Large, with any questions. 

Special Interest Groups: